2020.04.01 | The 13th K-INT has been canceled. |
Date | June 4 (Thu) to 6 (Sat), 2020 |
Venue | Conventional Hall, NHO KMC CCC |
President | Shoji Shimose, MD, PhD |
Inspection at NHO KMC CCC & Training Center | on June 4 (Thu) |
Lecture for Student Nurses | on June 4 (Thu) |
Educational Lecture | on June 4 (Thu) |
Inspection Tour to Atomic Bomb Dome & Museum* | on June 5 (Fri) |
Inspection Tour to Miyajima Shrine* | on June 7 (Sun) |
(*:UNESCO World Heritage site)
Copyright (c) 1997- National Hospital Organization Kure Medical Center and Chugoku Cancer Center All rights reserved.